Thursday, March 6, 2025

Greenland and the Election

 Next Monday (the 10th)....Greenland will have their national assembly election.  

Chief topic?  Well....independence.  Of the five parties running....I'd say that three have a strong position (going independent).

The lead party?  The 'I-A' folks.  They say with the results....they will come back for a national referendum in April....letting the public vote for independence.

Polling-wise?  I put an hour into reading up on this in the past week...the I-A folks will take around one-third of the votes.  The left-of-center SIU folks will get around 20-percent of the votes.   The remaining three  parties will carve up the 45-percent.

If I were guessing?  I'd say the referendum for April....will be a simple text....stating a national goal of independence....with a constitution to be written over the next 12 months, and a planned-out exit from Denmark (probably taking two years).  

As for passing the referendum?  Based on polling in the fall of 2024....around 60-to-70 percent of Greenlanders will approve the measure.  

Some Greenlanders being vocal and negative about this path?  Yes, without any doubt....somewhere around 10-to-20 percent will be bitter about the process.

As for US relations?  I think the independent-status is a bigger deal now, and what you will see over the remainder of 2025....a US consulate already exists, and they probably will add a couple of folks, and simply seek closer relations.  

A visit by Trump in 2025?  No.  I wouldn't rule it out for 2026 though.  

6 March 2025: Ten German News Stories

 1.  I sat and read through a Focus story....RTL's N-TV  news....broke the 'barrier'....getting more viewers for the news....than ARD's Tagesschau (the public TV nightly news).

To reach this level?  Well...yeah, it's probably thirty-plus years of effort.  

If you asked me the difference between N-TV news and Tagesschau news?  I'd probably say that N-TV is fairly neutral in how they tell the story....with the Tagesschau folks having a pre-determined angle or position.  

The one other odd positive with N-TV?  If you have some fast-developing situation and want immediate coverage or  explanations....the only place where you will get N-TV (or N-24).  The ARD folks will update you when their next full newscast comes up.

2.  One in two Germans fail the theoretical driving test on the first-go-around.

There's a Focus piece by psychology professor Florian Becker talks about this problem that has developed.

The blame?  Well....some folks want to suggest lower IQ.  The professor points at 'lack of self discipline'....meaning they don't want to put time into studying.

When I took the two tests at Bitburg to get the German had to start with the sign test, and you were given basically 30 minutes to readily identify around 120 signs. There is a method to this....if you think about it in the minute leading up to the test.  I didn't get that angle.....failing the test on the first go-around.  

The second attempt?  I understood the time mandate and how to ID signs.  

The other test?  No issue and I aced it.

3.  There was a interview on RBB (the Berlin public TV network) entitled: "Germany will not be able to fight on its own".  I sat and watched the piece. 

So, the basic position, as told in this news report.....while they may see the US as unreliable now....the German gov't has to now admit that the other 90-percent of NATO is not ready for an actual real war.  

This 500-Billion Euro to be spent over four 'fix' this problem? the end of this era....they suggest that they would then reach a point where they were ready for a real war.

The 500-Billion not being spent on infrastructure (bridges, roads) or other things (like fiber-topic, healthcare, education)?  Well....they didn't bring it up, but you just have to wonder what kind of crazy GDP has to be cover all of the problems facing the public. 

4.  Minister of Defense for Germany did a speech (Wed) and said in a blunt way.....the Ministry is finished in giving weapons/retired equipment to Ukraine.  The depot is apparently now empty.

5.  Shocker....German Post announced this AM....8k jobs to be cut by December.  Helps to fix budget issues.....they suggest.

The one thing I've noticed...with package  delivery in the past year....the local delivery guy makes a 9 AM run with strictly packages for the village (500 residences).  Then  around 11 AM....a 2nd guy arrives with purely mail...and the two spend four hours delivering around to the whole village.

Within five years....I'm of the mind that centralized mail-boxes will occur at one single location in the village....eliminating the need for the 2nd  guy.

6.   Serious 'fight' in a Bavarian village (Viechtach)....village was set to  run a fest operation, and the mayor came up....saying he wanted  a spot reserved for grilling pork. the city council....there's a vegan person, and they got the local vegans hyped up....saying that a pork grill situation was "degrading" (their word, not mine).

7.  N-TV did a update this AM.....if you were an asylum-person in Germany, and  submitted paperwork....the process can now take up to 20 months to approve or say 'no'.  Longest waiting period since 2017.

8. I noticed more chatter about repairing Nord Stream II pipes. What I would suggest....if some peace agreement comes  up and is done....the Nord Stream folks will probably have the pipeline fixed within  6 months.  Whether the Germans buy or not....unknown.  

9.  Finally, an odd story from N-TV this AM.....there's around 10,000 reports of damage to election posters, threats and physical assault...associated with the recent  federal election.

Just about all parties were 'hurt'.

Police say it's something they have not seen before.

10.  Officially, the Germans say (as of Feb  2025)....there are now 1.2-million Ukrainians in Germany.

Now, if you asked me....unofficially....on top of that....I might imagine another 100,000 (minimum)....who reside quietly and being non-registered in the system. These are the ultra-rich who left early and with their wealth, and don't want  any attention.

If the war ends....will most of the 1.2-million return to Ukraine?  I'm not sure of that claim. 

Tuesday, March 4, 2025

5 March 2025: Four German News Stories

1.  VW to show it's replacement to the Up (their first E-car) today....called  ID.Every1.

Pricing range?  Just under 20k Euro.

2.  Just odd....ton of German anti-Trump enthusiasts presently....while suddenly....a major shift in Russia, with Russians believing the war might conclude....becoming pro-Trump enthusiasts.

3.  I sat on the balcony yesterday.....bright sunshine day....15C (59 F).  Absolute  spring-like conditions.  

It was a harsh cold winter....with almost no snow.

4.   Agenda started up in Germany....schools want  a total ban on smart-phones within school buildings.  This will be interesting to see how far it goes.  Appears the ban idea would include staff as well.

Germany and Compulsory Service (The Draft)

 The CSU Party is pushing for one serious topic in the new gov't....compulsory service.  

For the record, as of 2011....the draft in Germany ended.  The Bundeswehr gains offering salary, training and benefits.

There's also another item to add in this discussion....last spring in Germany....they did a poll, and just over 50-percent of Germans said 'no desire' to 'fight' for the nation.

How the CSU would have to  package this deal?'d have to offer alternates to the some ambulance crew job.  

More young men/women volunteering for the alternate deal....than the Army?  Well....that's the funny part of this discussion.  It's possible that you might have 50 to 60 percent of folks indicate the alternate path.

All of this coming as the CDU and SPD folks get a coalition going, and want to push in 500-Billion enhance the German military?  Yeah, that's the other side of this story.

The current strength of the active-duty German force?  180k, with 80k civilians (logistics/maintenance).  

If they were going to add another 50,000?  For the past two years, they've been trying to recruit more and generally found little to no success. 

This being a top 10 subject?  No.  

Monday, March 3, 2025

4 March 2025: Four German Stories

 1.  Mannheim terror attack.  Basically, a German who drove a small Ford car into a group of Germans....two dead.....probably 20 wounded in some way.  Cops detain the guy.  Late PM last night....updated to  say he  had done some jail time a decade ago...physical violence.  Guy appears to have some mental issue. Zero radicalization angle.

2. Internal discussion between  CDU-CSU and SPD...up to 500 billion Euro for the German military over four years.

What can be said....over the past 20 years....the Merkel and Scholz gov't groups didn't fully fund the German Army....except in the last two years where they realized the problem they'd created.

3. The German Anti-Semitism Commissioner spoke up yesterday....suggesting for the deployment of the Federal Office for the Protection of the Constitution (Germany's FBI) at universities.  

Laying Out NATO And Its Possible End

 This week....some type of new effort will occur with the Ukraine and getting a 2nd meeting  with Trump for  a 'deal'.   However, it's also been laid out that the UK (and possibly France) have already signed deals for rare-Earth materials.  If  true....I don't see what deal is left for the US. 

So onto the talk of a EU military structure (being pushed by Macron).  This  idea is moving fast.  So a meeting will occur this week. 

Trouble?  Well....right away....Turkey will  ask if they can enter the EU. 'No' will be the as NATO dissolves....Turkey won't be a player in the EU military structure.  Expect issues.

Then the issue of how you finance this, and the response will be....something along the lines of a 3-percent to 3.5-percent of your GDP.  France might be able to take this step....along with the UK...for a limited time.  Virtually everyone else will shake their heads.

While this talk starts up....the Trump administration will announce 20,000 US troops will be removed over the next 12 months (mostly out of Germany, I assume).

How stable will this EU force be?  As each state election occurs....the threat of the  dissolving will occur.  France, Germany, and the UK in particular.  

At some point....von de Leyen will approach Trump and say NATO is need to  remove the remaining troops (much in the same time limit as France spoke to in 1966).  And at that point....the remaining US troops are given a 12-month period.

What will be funny?  Well....the EU will continue to buy natural gas/oil from Russia....helping them to rebuild....while having to find financial ways to build a bigger military.

Hardest hit by the US leaving?  No doubt....Kaiserslautern.  A billion Euro....gone.  And no remarkable way of resolving the 'hole'.

Finally....the Ukraine 250-Billion Euro required....which the US won't finance, and somehow....the EU needs to convince member states to cough up the money, and trust that it won't be misused.  Along the way....some  folks will ask....when will democratic elections occur in the Ukraine, and they will be told 'soon'.

3 March 2025: Eight German News Stories.

 1.  Just an odd story I noted out of the UK Guardian from Saturday.  The EU ends up spending more on Russian oil and gas.....THAN financial aid to Ukraine. 

Europe is estimated to have bought €22-billion of oil/natural gas from Russia in 2024.

Ukraine total support from within the EU?  Same period....€19-billion.

2.  Chatter from Sunday.....Focus story....Nord Stream II will be repaired.  If true?  Germany will be buying Russian natural gas.

3.  Hamburg state election results?

33.5 SPD Party

17.5 Greens

19.5 CDU (almost 10 points above previous election in the state)

11.5 Linke Party

8.5 AfD Party

4.  I went to the Wiesbaden Carnaval yesterday.....can't help but notice the police presence.

5.  Women will only make up one-third of the Bundestag for the next four years.

6.  Just an odd construction sports hall...Märkisches Gymnasium in Wattenscheid.  

Total cost at end for the entire structure....near 20 million euros. 

So they have decided that the 'slatted' look/design of the interior walls....causes some type of 'irratation' during work-outs.   

So the district is fronting a 40k remodel job on the brand new gym.

From the description....I get the impression the design had not been done before for a sports hall.

7.  German hotel industry is seeing a record number of guests....however, 20-percent of the hotels are openly discussing a cutback in employees. (N-TV item)

8. For 2024....considering all of the EU....a quarter of all asylum applications came from Germany.  However, there is a noted decline since border measures have been started up in Germany. (N-TV)

Sunday, March 2, 2025

Five Things You Probably Ought To Know About Ukraine

 1. Since day one of the least eleven political parties have been 'disbanded', with their political leaders detained/arrested by the Zelensky-gov't.

2.  If you run any social media. TV station, newspaper, or radio station in the operate only with the permission of the Zelensky-gov't.

3.  As much as the Russian death toll is just a 'best-guess' can probably say the same for Ukrainian soldier deaths.  

4.  If you ask anyone in Ukraine when the next election is....they have no idea.

5. The authorities in Ukraine have closed various churches.  At different times....the gov't has confiscated church land and bank accounts.

As much as you might desire to believe there is a 'good-guy' and 'bad-guy' scene to Russia and's probably not that type of story.

Military History Story

 It''s not a readily told story....but as WW  II ended......the US military staged itself primarily in France.  Between 1950 and 1967...the US Air Force operated 11 bases in France.  

On 7 March 1966...French President Charles de Gaulle gave a one-year notice to the US and NATO....they were to leave from France.

Most would media attention in the US was minimal, and if you had asked a hundred Americans about this 'eviction'...probably fewer than ten knew what was going on.

The US Air Force Headquarters?  It left France, and for a brief period....was in Wiesbaden....later moved to Ramstein.

Trigger for the eviction?  Some de Gaulle feelings from the Kennedy assassination existed....that the attempted assassination on him  (de Gaulle), 1962, had lead back to CIA operatives in France. So 'trust' was a bitter issue.

EUCOM HQ's?  That was centered in Paris.....until early 1967....being moved to Stuttgart, Germany.

2 March 2025: Nine German News Stories

 1.  There's a reality show I watch on German VOX.....Goodbye Deutschland!

This week....the German gal who left Germany, and went to marry up some guy in Tanzania....up and flew back to Germany....leaving her husband.  According to her....there's some kind of  'spell' that has been cast upon the husband, and he's affected.

New reality, I must admit.

2.  Note that I did not watch the European Song Competition for Germany last night...but I went through the newspapers this AM.  Lot of 'rage' at the end....Austrian duo won, and fair number of people at the live event said it was 'rigged'.  I'll just say that the amount of criticism over the show and front-page news in Germany this AM.

3.  Bosch (car parts company) says worldwide.....5.5k workers to be cut....most in Germany.

4.  Crazy-talk by Merz yesterday......suggesting that the new energy policy in Germany will include 50 natural-gas powered power-plants. 

Only way they'd go this if they had cheap Russian natural gas in the mix. So either he knows something about to unfold, or it's just crazy-talk.

5.  WELT had a interesting piece this AM on new leadership of the Green Party in  Germany....suggesting a left-turn is likely to happen, and some members will likely depart. 

This affecting the Baden-Wurttemberg state election next year?  Well....yeah....presently, the Greens are expected to edge out the CDU and SPD in the state. But if you see a left-turn's possible that Greens lost a quarter of their voters in the state.  A lot of this Green positive trend development....leads back to the Stuttgart-21 project, and public frustration. 

6.  Riots/protests in Greece.  For a week, it's been continuing and threatening the right-of-center gov't.

Basis?  Well....two years ago....a train accident occurred.  Freight train slammed into a passenger train. Fifty-odd people dead and near 200 wounded.  So an investigation followed.

What you can generally say....through the years prior....the process to modernize and add safety features was slow-balled.  You can go down a list of forty to fifty individuals associated with the rail-system and find people with 'fault'.

So one has been dragged into court and the youth element of Greece has picked-up on  this topic. A fair number of the dead....were university they fill the role of martyrs.  

I'll add a footnote here....having actually ridden on Greek rail (seven years ago)'s a mixed-bag.  Various parts are ultra-modern and some elements are questionable. If given a choice....ride buses instead.

7.  Just noticed in the last day or so....membership in the new mostly young (suggesting under the age of 45).  Statistically....considered the youngest group since 1949.

8.  If you follow beef prices in Germany....they've been increasing lately.  So the topic came up on N-TV this AM....are Doner's going up (at Turkish shops)?  Well....the speculation is....within the next year....a Doner sandwich will be a minimum of 10 Euro each.  

9.  Lot of chatter over incoming coalition and handling of legalization of cannabis.  What most are will not be reversed....but several new regulations will be added (yeah, you could  say development of bureaucracy is likely). 

Not to be too sarcastic....but there's probably some rule to be smoking on a apartment balcony.  

Saturday, March 1, 2025

My Advice On Social Media Use In Germany

 First, avoid Facebook/Meta as much as possible.  If you write something or comment on something....consider that your FB 'friends' might not be amused, and they might report you for some BS.  Twitter is less so a threat.....mostly because half as many Germans use Twitter.

Second, don't use 'dumbass', 'fat' or any critical commentary over politicians, judges, police, soccer-players, or any noted figure. 

Third, on the use of meme's.....stick to only dogs, cats, Greek philosophy, health habits, food, beverages, and UFOs.  Don't use any Nazi meme stuff, or anything  related to stupid people.

Third, as long as you criticize Putin or the problem.  If  you suggest anything might accidentally get into trouble.

Fourth, Covid has reversed media you can suggest various things that  went wrong, and it's acceptable.

Fifth, if you are in the midst of a accident....don't take out your camera or phone to take pictures and post later on FB or Twitter.  There's a law, and you'd be violating it if you took pictures.  However, if this is just a dog playing with a frisbee or a stein of beer....taking the picture and posting it is OK.

Sixth, don't post on migrants and their religious feelings....unless the police say the guy in radicalized.  Once you say the guy is radicalized, you  can then suggest that he's mentally disturbed.  

Seventh, if you dug down into the numbers....probably two out of twenty Germans are ready and willing to report don't get stupid to add German friends unless you really are confident they won't take something the wrong way.

Eighth, and final, the real fear....if you think about might post something where Germans might get confused and actually disbelieve public TV, some German politician, or question authority.  Your purpose in not to bring enlightenment to society.  

1 March 2025: Five German News Stories

 1.  With Habeck withdrawing from leadership of the Green Party.....fair amount of bickering going on.  Party has to go through a rebuilding process.

2. German  protest-group....'Grandmas Against The Right'....had been denying acceptance of federal money in support of their group.  Well...evidence came out yesterday.....yeah, there was a federal 'check' for 5,000 Euro from the gov't. Questions will follow now.

Just a humble guess here....some German DOGE-effort is likely to occur over the next year, and several hundred fed-checks will be disclosed.  I don't think this will get into trillions  (like the US), but they are likely to find a billion-odd Euro 'wasted'.  

3.  If you remember the Aschaffenburg terror-knife attack from a couple of weeks ago....2 unfolded yesterday to 'label' the guy mentally defective (mental illness) so, he will likely get a not guilty situation and enter a mental facility for the remainder of his life.

4. For those who follow the Dresden bridge saga...there's apparently a new break in the steel of the remaining standing part of the Carola Bridge (over the Elbe River). 

In simple terms....this piece of the bridge has to be torn down as well.  This will be a halt in river shipping traffic for a couple  of days.

5.  New massive neighborhood planned in NW Frankfurt....up to 7,000 apartments in the project. For those who might have been stationed around Frankfurt, the current population is at 773,000.  1980 population was around 629k. 

Friday, February 28, 2025

28 Feb 2025: Four German News Stories

 1.  There's talk out of Frankfurt.....a direct-train into London....through the Chunnel.  Lot of planning required, and they'd have to have a border-control station set up in the Frankfurt station. 

Not BS....the way they'll happen within 3 years.

2.  The German Federal Prosecutor's Office says they will file murder charges against Solingen radicalized attacker (3 dead, 10 wounded). They seem convinced that mental illness will not screw up the case.

3.  BMW says they have a design on a hydrogen-powered car engine. They seem willing to prioritize it ahead of the E-car strategy.

4.  Coalition efforts now start....figure a minimum of four weeks....before the gov't is finalized.

Thursday, February 27, 2025

Election Lawsuit?

 Well...the BSW Party missed getting seats in the Bundestag by .028 percent (in the 13k vote range).  

So there's talk of a legal battle  over the screw-ups in overseas ballots, and 'some' ballots weren't mailed out in time.

Odds of a legal situation?  I'd give it a 50-50 range.

The problem' go to the Constitutional Court and you'd have to give them at least six to eight months before they gave a verdict.  Worst-case scenario?  They tell the gov't to re-do the election.  

In some ways, it's like the Berlin-City election of four years ago, and how they were ordered to repeat the election.

In this scenario? would hear around December a court-verdict, and a new election would occur in March of 2026 (my humble guess).   SPD being happy over this matter?  Yeah, I think they'd appreciate a new run.  

On the crazy index (1-10)?  I'd give it a '8'.  Back in November....a couple  of journalists talked over this 'quick' election being rigged up and how overseas ballots would be a problem.

Why The Immigration Doorway Has To Exist In Germany?

 Back in the early 1900s had a serious health concern going....with too many women attempting to have kids.   At some point....doctors, nurses, and educated women came together and developed a birth control pamphlet.  Nothing fancy....just simple instructions.

Almost immediately....the authorities came down negative over this pamphlet.  The police gave warnings, and some folks were arrested.  Pamphlets kept  going out.

WW I briefly halted the arrests. Two-million German men died in the war.  A large segment of women became labor because of the shortage.

What you can say in the 1920s and 1930s....birth control was at work.  

After WW II....a large segment of women were now part of commerce.  In the early 1960s...the gov't realized that a population problem was existing.  To patch up industry....Turks, Italians and various non-Germans were hired. Tax credits were encourage you to have more kids.

A typical German couple by the 1980s were having 1.5 to 1.7 kids.  Where it stands today?  1.46 kids per couple.

So the authorities and commerce are worried. They need some type of 'new' German to exist.  From nursing to grocery-clerk....there's a urgent need for more people to exist.  The migration doorway is the accepted answer.

If you were to be critical of how they ran the was probably not that smart to say 'anyone' could play a role in this migration situation.  You needed to recruit, and ask questions.....leaving some people out. 

Just plain halting migration,  period?  Probably not that'd just end up with a massive shortage of manpower.  

That's the whole simple as you can make it.

Wednesday, February 26, 2025

27 Feb 2025: Six German News Stories

 1.  SPD Party met, and elected a new parliamentary group leader, Lars Klingbeil.  Solid vote? was 86-percent in some folks unhappy.

Top SPD figure? Well....NO.  Most folks would say that Defense Minister Boris Pistorius is the most popular SPD figure.

2.  Green Party going to the same routine...change of leadership?  Habeck  has said now that he won't be seeking a leadership role in the new landscape.

3. This request by the CDU (Merz in particular) of the NGO's sponsoring demonstrations in have a audit....has gotten the SPD folks riled-up. It would appear...this request has to drop...before coalition chats can get real serious.

4.  The odds of a coalition talks failure?  Typically, this never happens in German politics.   Presently, I'd say there are twenty-plus hard points in which failure could occur.  You typically give the winner-party a max of eight weeks to wrap up the coalition talks.  If no coalition can be formed....with the 2nd place winner, or the 3rd place winner.....then a new election occurs. 

I checked the numbers....the SPD, Greens and Linke Party....would  not have the numbers to form a new gov't coalition....IF the CDU-CSU fail.

5.  Duisburg officials have discovered from a raid in a apartment building from four months ago....resulted in a new count of 'kids'....families had turned in fake data, and the social agency was paying for 59 non-existent kids.  

Based on how the story is told in the would seem these were non-Germans and they were manipulating the local social get higher levels of welfare payments.

6.  This plane from Pakistan....carrying 165 Afghan folks into Germany, from a couple of days ago?   This was a group who were on a list of 'persecuted' Afghans, and the present coalition gov't (SPD-Greens-FDP) had approved the folks. 

The Difference Between The 1912 and 1919 German Election


1919: 30.4-million total votes

1912: 12.2-million total votes

Why the difference?  Well....two things occurred by 1919. First.....women in Germany were given the right to vote.  Second, the voting age was if you were 20-to-24.....male or now had the right to vote.

I should point this out as well....the total number of seats in the Bundestag for 1912.....were 397....divided among 21 parties.

For 1919, there were 421 total Bundestag seats....among 10 parties.

The '216' Problem

 I've brought this up occasionally....that the German Constitution is a pretty flexible document,  and every year or two....there's a change.

So the topic came up incoming Chancellor Merz (CDU-CSU)....wants a slight change (relaxation of the debt 'brake').

Well...when you have the  new coalition gather-up....the AfD, Linke, and Greens....will control 216 seats in the Bundestag....enough to block any Constitutional change.

So, he wants the current Chancellor (Scholz) with his coalition remaining, and CDU-CSU help....probably with FDP votes make the change (now).

Any of this illegal?  No.  The rules say that the current Bundestag (with Scholz) seated until 25 March.  

For the next our four years?  Well....the 216-seat problem will exist, and I suspect that zero Constitutional changes will occur.

26 Feb 2025: Three German News Stories

1. Last night via the ZDF  talk-show...."Markus Lanz"....coalition talks came up.   Guests voiced  position that these would be extremely difficult.  Youth-wing of SPD....JUSO....their comment made it pretty clear  that the CDU would  have to give upon a  number of promises.   CDU guest (Linnemann) suggested that if the talks failed....quote: "Then the AfD will be at 40 percent next time."

In general, my humble thought is that deportation has to get on-track and be more successful.  Otherwise....yeah, the AfD will be  up in mid-20s to 30 percent.

2.  Bundestag odd moment yesterday....CDU is asking questions of finance for  protest organizations....that are mostly left/far-left.   It's been a big-deal over past three months....mostly run by three organizations....Correctiv, Campact and the Antonio Amadeu Foundation.

Both the Greens and SPD were aggravated. 

3.  A group called 'Islamic State' has called for an attack on the Koln Fasching parade.

Tuesday, February 25, 2025

How Fast Did The Communist Party of Germany Expand?

 First notable election....1920....with 529k votes.

Second election....May of 1924....3.7-million votes.

Third election....December of 1924....2.7-million votes.

Fourth election.....May of 1928....3.3-million votes.

Fifth election....September of 1930....4.6-million votes.

Sixth election....July of 1932....5.3-million votes.

Seventh  election....November of 1932....6-million votes.

Eighth election....March of 1933....4.8-million votes.

Ninth election....November of 1933....all parties removed from the ballot except for the Nazis.

25 Feb 2025: Five German News Stories

 1.  Last week....that knife attack against the tourist at the Holocaust Memorial in Berlin (guy was lucky, just wounded)....I read that the city prosecutor has been told....'no, it's a German fed investigation.'

It'll be fed charges and fed prison....when the end comes.

2. Next election?  Hamburg 'state' election, 2 March.  Polls showing SPD likely to win with 32-percent. Greens in 2nd....with 19-percent.

3.   Quick agreement on the coalition framework? NO.

SPD has suggested that  they won't be readily agreeable to the CDU-CSU package.  Klingbeil  is the key SPD figure to watch over the next they work the coalition deal.

Via a news update on ARD last night....they listed out differences in  'promises' between the SPD and least thirty key differences.

4.  ÖVP, SPÖ and Neos in Austria near agreement on coalition talks.

5.  From last night's 'Hard But Fair' public forum show (ARD, public TV)....curious discussion came up over the election.

Philipp Amthor (CDU) talked up: voters want an end to "left-wing politics."

To be honest here....if you count CDU-CSU and AfD votes....roughly 50-percent of the vote went against left-wing politics.