Friday, November 6, 2009


There's a legendary fact about state-run TV in Germany....nobody under the age of 30 really watches it. The state TV guys may argue about this and get all pumped up over sports on their channel which might attract guys....but beyond's a big zero.

So the boys woke the new digital era....and created another channel (yet another expense on the TV audience via taxes).....and created ZDFneo.....a channel for the "hip" generation of Germany.

So, the ZDFneo management team went out to find really hot shows that German youth would get them addicted and willing to help continue on this TV tax game.

The boys bought the rights to broadcast 30 Rock.

Last week....with its first broadcast....they got 5,000 or less folks in Germany to watch. It was mostly a joke....and they really needed more folks to make this pay off. Well...this week....they got up to 30,000 viewers....out of 80 million folks. It would be a safe bet to say this was awful marginal and if they can't get past 250,000 viewers....they might as well give up on this idea of "hot" shows to draw new viewers.

The sad that I have to pay for this stupidity with my TV tax.

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