Tuesday, February 21, 2012

Germans and Meth

For most Americans, there is this moment of reality that arrived....realizing that there is a serious issue with meth in various American communities.  You can go into any farming or rural area of the US today, and find meth.

For Germans....the reality of meth is starting to arrive as well.  One of the more active areas of production for the drug....is across the border into Czech territory.  An article this week, laid out the number of arrests in Hof, Germany....just over the border from Czech....for 2011, approximately 250 German dealers ended up being apprehended.  

The curious part of this article.....was the lead to the manufacturing circle....a group of Vietnamese guys.  Apparently, the Vietnam guys had this lucrative deal with cigarettes going on, before the cops all jumped onto their trade and brought the illegal smokes operation down.  So, they flipped over, and went into meth production.  One way or another, the Vietnamese gang was going to make money.  It was that simple.  

You take a high school kid with a bit of chemistry background, some simple materials, a tub-like device, and in a few hours....you manufacture meth.  The Vietnamese gang guys have figured out the economics of this, viewed the German potential for profit, and got themselves in a money-making operation.  

If you take the American model for meth growth, and toss it into the German system....it's a potential major problem.  And you likely hear more about this in the future.  

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