Sunday, June 15, 2014

Rudesheimer Kaffee

I'm often amazed at gimmicks that get invented to drum up more business...more revenue...more profits....for a business operation.  Last Friday, I was in Rudesheim, and came across this display of Rudesheimer Kaffee.

For the novice, Rudesheimer Kaffee is a German version of Irish coffee.

You start with Asbach Uralt brandy....toss in a couple of sugar cubes.  Flambee the brandy until there's no noticeable sugar, then use a "special" coffee mug for this episode.  Yeah, a plain old mug is not the intended method of delivery.  Pour in extra strong coffee, with a bit of cream over the top, and you have Rudesheimer Kaffee.  You might want to throw a small piece or two of chocolate over this as a finishing the locals say.

This all started in the late 1950s with some local kitchen chef who demonstrated the method and got the credit.  No one says if he got some interesting financial deal with the Asbach Uralt folks.

Do you need this entire "kit" seen in the picture?  The coffee cup doesn't have to be unique and you could just buy your Asbach Uralt brandy off the grocery shelf.

As for the comparison to Irish coffee?  I won't touch that answer.

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