Sunday, September 7, 2014

Schloss Platte Weekend

This weekend....the foundation controlling the Hunter's Lodge (about four miles north of Wiesbaden, deep into the woods)....gave up control over the Lodge, and gave it back to the city.  It's now considered a Wiesbaden city park.

On the map, you will find it listed as the Schloss Platte on the map.  There's an old road from the side of the Neoberg area....which leads through the woods (you can bike or walk to the hunter's lodge) to renovated structure.

In the early was built for the Duke and his family....utilized mostly in the fall for the family to come up and relax.  VIPs would use it year-round for private meetings or to get away from the summer heat.

In World War was used as a radar site.  Toward the end of the was heavily bombed, and left for scrap brick.  Roughly twenty years later....some interest came up and some folks with some capital.....put together a foundation to return it to the old glory.  They reached a point in the past decade where they probably questioned the usage as a foundation property, and letting the city park service use it.....made more sense.

So the turn-over ceremony was this weekend.  I doubt if anyone notices much of a change.....other than a fancy sign, and maybe some city sponsored bike races up to the top of the hill.

If you had nothing much to do and wanted a good one-hour walk...get up to the Bahnholz area and just head north on that paved road area.  I would's not a simple walk and you will be tired as you reach the top of the hill.  Thank goodness....there's a cafe there (not open on Mondays), which serves apple wine and beer.....along with great food.  Follow the trail.....don't venture on the other adjacent trails or you will end up lost.

I should also note, there is a picnic area there, along with a kid's play park.  I wouldn't recommend the walk in winter periods.....but it's a four-star walk in spring and fall.

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