Sunday, June 25, 2017

German Sunday News

Growth expected in Germany:  N-TV had a financial item today discussing higher than expected growth.  Countries seen buying more German products?  US, Argentina, Russia, and China.  German economy expected to grow by 1.7-percent (see article for more info).  Likely to be lesser on unemployment numbers in the near future.

No merger between Lufthansa and Air Berlin:  Air Berlin's days are merger expected.  Airline is in serious decline.  What Lufthansa did hint is that it's willing to lease Air Berlin's planes (38 of them) and put Lufthansa routes on them.  This would at least keep the crews and planes active, while waiting on something to happen.  Air Berlin's troubles are mostly associated with huge debt and limited income.  Hopes of having BER open and making maximum use of the Berlin routes was part of their long-term planning from a dozen years ago.  Good piece by N-TV news.

Election spiral for SPD:  There are 13 weeks left until the September election.....Schulz is simply treading water at present.  Big meeting here on Sunday with speeches.  Some hype within the SPD Party on a wealth-tax and trying to get the public energized to vote SPD.   Last week, Schulz was figured (RTL poll) to have around 23-percent, which is a dismal fall from the 32-odd percent of January.

Kohl funeral for invited guests only:  Slated for 1 July.....the preparations are now becoming known to the public.  If you aren't on the don't attend.  It's likely to be only insiders of the Kohl-camp of the past decade.  His sons?  It doesn't appear likely they will be invited.  The 2nd wife is controlling the funeral episode and burial.  It's become like a soap opera now.

Green turmoil:  This projected agenda of only electric cars sold new after drawing criticism within the Green Party....notably from their chief political figure of Baden-Wurttemberg (Kretschmann).  What Kretschmann is pointing out is the jobs-game of Germany, and the huge significance of German car manufacturing on the jobs market.  Analysts aren't that confident about this goal being achievable or it's affect.  The national level of Green members are full-speed ahead and pushing Kretschmann's words aside.  Zero chance that the Greens will achieve the results of the past two elections, and there's some belief that they've peaked out finally.

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