Saturday, October 14, 2017

The Car Fire Story

About a week ago....we had a unusual fire in cars were set ablaze on a car lot....near the Mainzer Strasse area....with four additional cars in some stage of damage.

For those who've been around the city in the past....this is about a quarter-mile from the old entrance to the Hainerberg BX area. 

Cops got onto this....using video from the region.

So today, they brought some guy in and interrogated him.  Twenty-three year old guy.  Damage done?  In the 200k Euro range. He's admitted to the act.

The young guy?'s an asylum seeker from Afghanistan.  Cops hint that they've dealt with him before....saying little else.

Why burn the cars?  Just disgruntled, I one suggests a logical reason for this.  Prison?  There will be a mental exam done likely with the guy, and then some legal proceedings.  In this range of damage, I'm guessing he could get two to four years in prison. 

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