Monday, April 2, 2018

Knife Story

It's been discussed on several German news sites, but I'll reference it to Deutsche Welle.....the German Police Trade Union (DPoIG) has stood up and said knife attacks are now a problem and they want them charged under attempted murder situations.

The quote that gets your attention? "It requires only the smallest altercation and knives are pulled," comments the DPoIG.

Right now, if you get into a stabbing involves no minimum period of detention because it's a lesser law situation (aggravated bodily harm).

Generally, at least with German just never noticed kids carrying knives or getting into some disrespect situation where someone said some insulting thing and they had to be assaulted.  This is a rather new trend over the past decade.

If you upped the charges?  Even with the teens....I don't think it'll get their attention.  My suggestion would be a more open 'stop-and-frisk' situation with or night.  Find a kid with a illegal knife....detain them for twenty-four hours in some teen facility, and force them to fill a hundred sandbags over Saturday morning.

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