Monday, October 12, 2015

That Saxony Talk

Prior to 1867.....the German state of Saxony was it's own state and Kingdom.  After 1867 and the brief Austro-Prussian War.....they were neatly bundled into Prussia and eventually came into the German state.

Some historians will note that this small land-mass has been rather unique.  Today, it numbers around four million residents, with Dresden as it's capital.  It's university is fairly well known, at least for programs in engineering.  If you drove around the countryside as an American, you'd say it looks a lot like Iowa with major agricultural development and small towns around the landscape.

This morning, it got back into the news because the AFD Party candidate from Saxony has suggested it's time to carve the Free State of Saxony away from Germany and be it's own country once again.

Roughly nine thousand people showed up last night in Dresden to hear the AFD political figure Tatjana Festerling give a rousing speech over the immigration issues and where the region needs to go.

The odds of Saxony heading off on it's own.....almost zero-percent.  However, there is this disconnect growing between individual states and the Berlin crowd.  It's grown a lot over the past eighteen months.  With the five states in Germany conducting state-elections in 2016.....there might be some required changes or a more significant problem in state independence develops.  The Saxony election?   Not until 2019.

So when you hear this 'chatter' of Saxony being on it's's mostly just political hype.  Don't get too excited.

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