Thursday, April 4, 2019

Growth Expectations Cut by 50-percent for 2019?

According to German news reports today.....five different financial organizations have lowered their expectations for the German economy in 2019.  Growth?  Cut by 50-percent, with the numbers they came out with at the end of 2018, and looking at expectations for 2019.  Chief cause chatted on by the five? BREXIT.

Recession chatter?  For around six months, if you follow the German business news people.....they've been talking more and more over a recession starting in 2019. 

Blame to shift around by fall over job losses, BREXIT failures and a start-up of a recession?  Yes, more than likely.  Three state elections occur in the fall here in Germany, and various opposition parties to both the CDU and SPD.....might come out in full-force with the blame-game.

So the negative talk for months over the UK and how they need to just accept the one and only EU deal?  This might come back to haunt Chancellor Merkel and the pro-EU crowd within the German government. 

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