Wednesday, April 17, 2019

The Great 'Deception'

I sat today and read through a long-winded science piece by a German physics professor out of Koln (Christoph Buchal), who did a in depth study of CO2 emissions and electrical cars. 

If you follow German news media, television news, and intellectuals.....the pressure has been going on for a full decade now, and intensified greatly in the past two years....for the public to just plain accept the wonderful world of E-cars.

So the Professor crunched numbers.  Here's the absolute bottom line....E-cars have increased CO2 emissions, and are worse for the environment than diesel cars (if you prioritize and say CO2 is the critical thing to fix).

The Professor sat down and the numbers on the production level of batteries, and the German electrical grid.  With his chart, the E-car is somewhere between 11 and 28 more on the climate (than diesel). 

The idea of electric cars having zero emissions?  Over and over, this has been hyped by the news media.  As the Professor laid out the's simply not true on zero emissions.

The cherry on this cake by the study?  If you prioritized things and asked how you'd improve the'd be with methane-powered gasoline engines (their CO2 emissions go to about a third lower than diesel cars).

Upsetting folks?  This is going to trigger a number of scientists in Germany to review the study and ask more questions.  Lets be honest, BMW, VW, Mercedes, Audi and the German companies have poured billions into research and they can't really avoid this production game that they've been led to 'develop'.  Having the German government force this angle before the full analysis was done?  Yeah, you can say a lot of negative things over that idea.   

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