Wednesday, May 29, 2019

School Story

Since the early part of 2019, we've had this 'Fridays for the Future' act by German school kids.....walking out of classes at mid-day on Friday, in support of environmental action against climate change.  Surprising most folks....the Chancellor has been supportive of the kids, and a number of political folks actively encourage them.

Well....over in the NW section of Berlin (Wedding is the suburb)....the local gymnasium school (the school for the more capable kids) has sent out some notices to kids in the 9th/10th grade, and told the the 13 most 'noted' kids with absences.....that if they skip one more Friday afternoon of classes.....they will not be graduating onto the next class.  Yes, the school is prepared to fail those 13 kids.

The reason why?  There are some subjects which only occur once a week, and that period (up to two hours)....might be on Fridays.  If you failed to be at the fail out.

Legally, all of these schools with affected students.....should be sending out the notices.  My humble guess is that most are trying to avoid this discussion. 

If they fail the kids?  Well, I suspect lawyers are standing by to help but school regulation will be hard to beat. 

What will the 13 kids do?  I would imagine that they will all show up and be there this Friday, and be fairly hostile toward the instructor....getting themselves onto another list for bad behavior. 

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