Sunday, November 3, 2024

The Thing About Tolerance

WELT (the German newspaper) has an interesting commentary written by Lennart Pfahler today (Sunday)....entitled: "The Inconvenient Truths Behind German Islam Policy."

It's worth a read.

Basically, Pfahler goes to describe how various German Muslims now believe they are in some type of conflict with western values/stances/positions. 

As you gaze at the Merkel and Scholz governments....their intent was always trying sell some idea of moderate-Islam.  Among Muslims?  It's sometimes 'bought' and sometimes joked-about.

There's generally always a reminder....Germany is this wonderful land with freedom of religion (Article 4 of the Constitution).  It's just that you assume with the Article 4....there's a remarkable amount of tolerance.  In some cases, you get the full dose of tolerance and in some get a pretty marginal amount of tolerance.

After a few years of observing things, one might come to the conclusion that as much as one group is working on building societies that are cohesive....there's others working on dividing societies...ensuring little to no cohesiveness.

All of this a internal thing within Germany?  I'm not really buying into that idea....wondering if external efforts are playing a part of the chaos going on.

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