Friday, June 26, 2009

Playtime in Germany

So this is what we know....two German kids....both six years old.....triggered a regional alert here in Germany this week.

They apparently decided that they’d play a round of pretend work on a nuclear power plant....don’t ask how this came to their mind, but it did. As part of this effort, they needed nuclear signs, to make the proper play atmosphere.

So they went to a computer and did a search for make the atmosphere more realistic....and found these neat radioactive warning signs....then printed color....and put them up on the door of pretend-work center.

Noisy German neighbors then came to see the odd signs....walk up....and then go into a panic after seeing the word “nuclear”. More than ten police and fire vehicles ended up reacting to the episode (as though they didn’t have enough crime or fires in the afternoon to handle).

The cops ended up closing off the roads and area.....just to deal with the “threat”.
All of this occurred after the two punk kids walked off for a break.

Naturally, I looked at my color printer for a while....a long while....and just a mischievous bit of thought crept into my mind. I won’t say what.....but one my village....folks just might find 300 “nuclear work” signs up on the doors....and the whole village might be locked down for a morning.

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