Saturday, July 4, 2009

Accidents That Happen

Generally, even in know when you've got a bad idea. This past Germany....there was this guy who had a gardener's house out back. This is typically a one-room shed. Anyway, he had weeds...and he had a flame-thrower. We don't know if it was legal or just something that he rigged up....but needless to say...things got out of control.

The gardener's house? Left burnt. Apparently there was a hedge next to this house, and that caught on fire....and then the whole dang building was on fire. He kinda tried to stop the hedge fire with a with a garden hose, but then the blaze spread to the roof of the house.

The sad thing is that the fire department got called and seven dudes showed up for this fire.

This all happened up around Tangstedt...which is pretty near Hamburg in the north.

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