Monday, November 1, 2010

The Brake-pad Grant

I noticed an interesting story today.....involving the Bahn (Germany's train company).

The German government is going to provide a grant of 7.5 million Euro (roughly ten million dollars) to put low-noise brakes on freight cars.  For a number of years...passenger cars had the feature already, but the Bahn had been kinda cheap and just kept waiting.

It's true, they were likely waiting for a government grant or hand-out....but they waited long enough that people had complained in small towns and villages over the freight cars that came through and made too much noise.  

The truth is that if you lived within 500 feet and some freight train came through and hit their could hear it easily.  People could tell the difference between passenger and freight trains. I'm guessing by the end of won't be able to tell the difference, and a number of folks will toss out a negative opinion of the Bahn.

But don't worry....they've still got at least a dozen complaints to lodge with Bahn trains or operations.

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