Friday, December 27, 2013

Christmas Shock in Germany

The Catholic Church up in Koln....over Christmas....had a morning ceremony.  In the midst of the priest doing the mandated Catholic activities....some gal came out a side door, removed her top, and jumped up behind the priest and choir guys....waving boobs to the public.

Her comments, while in this state of excitement?  Something to the effect "I am God", with the slogan written on her chest in some hearty marker-type ink.

Waving her arms and jumping around, you can imagine the shock and utter surprise of the folks in the audience.  Typically, it's a pretty dull ceremony, and you try to just stay awake.

The priest?  Well....he noted afterwards that it wasn't a big deal, and all could be forgiven.  The head of the Catholic Association for the region?  Well....he had stronger words.  He hinted that nothing can justify this type of action....absolutely nothing.  The local Green Party?  Oddly enough, they even came out and questioned how this really achieves anything.

Over the past year or two....a number of radical groups have recruited young women, and been challenging various church groups throughout Europe and Russia.  I won't call it a cult, but it's a political agenda group with questionable motives on the end-result.

What happens now?  Well....I'm guessing a bunch of guys start to show up at Catholic services in hopes of a topless gal showing up.  It may take forty or fifty visits....but the statistics ought to be in their favor.  Topless selling better than God?  Well....yeah, this is Germany, you know.

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