Monday, December 23, 2013

The Jihad Travelers

If you had roughly two-hundred-and-forty American citizens over the past two years run off from the US and get into some Jihad war conflict somewhere in the world....would you be kinda worried when that conflict comes to an end, and the folks elect to return back to the US?

Naturally, you'd sit and pause over this idea.  If they were going, and wouldn't really care.  But coming back, and being all charged up over your accomplishments and enthusiastic-Jihad achievements?

So it is....with Germany.  They've sat and watched folks leave and figure out where they went.  They know at least one kid of the age of fifteen....who has gone off to the war in Syria.  There's some fear in Germany over more folks getting charged up, and the numbers could go beyond just a couple hundred.

The German news media has chosen to report on the topic....but in the barest of terms.  They won't write of implications or what happens after the war.  German political figures are fairly quiet on the matter.  They'd rather not engage on this topic in public forums.

Germans are practical folks.  They don't tend to run off and get into conflicts, life-threatening situations, or get doped up on some religious crusade.  After two major wars, they've come to question themselves and big decisions.  Frankly, they don't see much positive in folks getting charged up and running off to Syria to engage in a war.

Germans also have the tendency to keep in-depth records and remember things.  Each of these two hundred-and-fifty folks?  They've got their name written down somewhere.  I'm guessing when they all return, and there's some behavior issues noted with a couple of folks.....there might be a tendency to call up the names and invite each of the folks down to some police station to have a chat.  Nothing drastic.....perhaps just a word of advice from some old German political figure and the local police chief.  Maybe it's advice well taken....maybe it's wasted advice.

From the old quote.....nothing good of this can come.

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