Friday, December 6, 2013


Channel one (ARD) produced and delivered a krimi movie production last night.  I don't usually blog comments on the criminal movie episodes that appear on German TV.  Last night's show was different.

I'd almost suggest that Dampfnudelblues was capable of being delivered in US theaters, and possible making a run for an Oscar somewhere along the way.

It's hard to twist a cop and murder movie into a cynical comedy of sorts....but it was achieved in a five-star way last night.

It's a simple story.  Some guy is still living out of the family house and in his mid-30s as a police detective, in the middle of nowhere.  Mom is mostly logical but nuts.  Dad is a heavy weed smoker.  The brother is married to some Thai gal who hates Germany, and probably hates the husband more than average.

In the beginning, there's some school chief who is gay to some degree and into bondage.  Someone has done graffiti on his house, and he's called the cops.

The movie alongs along at a snail's pace.....showing life in a town where society has kinda dropped to first gear, and most folks are happy with soap opera lives.

The school chief ends up dead around twenty minutes into the movie, and the rest of the show is this tracking business and the twenty-odd locals who are a bit crazy.

Sebastian Bezzel plays the hopeless cop, with the crazy family, the crazy locals, and the crazy girlfriend.  He ought to get an oscar for his delivery.

At some point about half-way through the movie, they introduce Rudi (my favorite from the movie).  Rudi is this wannabe detective, who works as a local store detective....mostly because he's not really the type for real detective work.  Somehow, Rudi knows more about real detective work, than the cops involved in the case.

My advice....if you get a chance to watch Dampfnudelblues....with the sub-titles.....sit back and enjoy a 90-minute movie which has a leisure pace, and is very entertaining.  Note, there's only one dead body in this German cop movie.

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