Friday, May 10, 2024

10 May 2024: Seven German News Stories

 1.  Regional piece from HR.  Ruckus starting up in Frankfurt.  Complaints about noise over outdoor cafes/restaurants...with the push on to shut them down by a certain hour.  Time  discussed?  10 PM.

The problem here....most of these operations....operating to midnight, were still drawing people at 10 and 11 PM. Friday and Saturday night were a big deal.

2.  The wife and I spent a couple of hours  (3) the village fest.  It opened up yesterday for four days.  

So the typical food and beverage cost on day one (for us) would be around 40 Euro.  Yesterday?  It came close to 55 Euro.  Doesn't matter what you had to drink or eat....everything was 20-percent or more higher.  Bumper  cars?  If you rode'd be 5 Euro for a round.  

3.  Kassel here in Hessen....has a yearly art-fest.  Past years....lot of complaints over what was presented (being anti-Jew in nature).  So there's a lot of examination prior to permission to present your form of art.  Past mayors of the town have stood up and said there's too much regulation now to present art.

4.  I watched a German game-show last night....where images of people were presented to people to identify.  So the picture of Pistorious (the German Defense Minister, and considered top guy for Chancellor for the SPD Party in the 2025 election).  Out of the eight German adults (most  all seemed  over age 30)....only one person recognized the guy (by name) and knew his job.

A bad sign for the election process?  Well....if you were pitching him for really need to have people readily recognize him.

5.  There is a German law which stipulates 20-percent of the German Army should be women (or transwomen, if you prefer).

Well....presently, it's at 13-percent and not really trending upward.

Lot  of chatter that they need to fix this.  Hard to imagine how that would occur.

6.  There is some plan to run a individual club 'World Cup' in June of 2025....meaning it's not a country versus country deal.....but club versus club.  But this is not being accepted by the players (they say the calendar is too full).  FIFA mess to clean up.

7.  Odd story from Baden-Wurttemberg....6-year old German kid in back seat of car....on the autobahn.  Kid was given fireworks (no one says who gave it to him)....but he lit the firecracker....triggering a fire and suspected smoke inhalation.  At least that is how the police explain  it.

Both the kid and mom taken to the hospital  over the smoke.  Had this been my wife....the kid would have been on home-lock-down for five years. 

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