Wednesday, May 22, 2024

German Word: Verschlimmbessern?

 When you are sitting in the presence of a German, and they utter are about to get some blunt criticism about something at work, or in your home, or with the government....that whatever was done for an effort....was CRAP (capitalized intentionally).

This is like some lawn project that had good intentions but looks crappy now.

This could also be a discussion about the SPD or Green they told you of some major fix they were up to, and it just wasn't something to brag about.

Kids using it?  I doubt it.

My German wife uttering it?  She probably utters it three or four times a year....talking about something in the US and how good intentions fell apart.

This philosophy?  

When I started out in the Air Force....I quickly understood the concept....'good enough for government work'....meaning that it didn't matter if it were fine work or marginal weren't going to get a medal or promotion for the work.

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