Thursday, May 30, 2024

30 May 2024: 5 German News Stories

 1.  Just a odd thing from Wednesday night's soccer game in Wiesbaden (the local team lost).  Around 90 minutes after the game (near midnight) of the local fans  who had lingered (he apparently wasn't drunk).....was approached by three of the visiting fans for the other team.  Their intent?  Rob the guy.

Unfortunate ending....the local fan was a plain-clothing cop.  He arrested the three....they ended up with summons papers for a local judge and will be charged-up.  Yeah....felony they might get a couple of weeks in a local jail.

2.  Pro-Palestinian demonstration yesterday around Berlin.  Cops say 1,400 people participating in a pro-Palestinian rally in Berlin's Kreuzberg and Neukölln districts. So....two signs being noted and held by the 'players' "Free Palestine" and "Berlin should burn".  

3.  Green Party youth-members have given a fairly strong hint.....they won't accept the idea being floated....bringing back the 'draft' for Germany.  

Both the SPD and CDU/CSU parties are pushing the idea in some way.  I think a slight majority of Germans would support it.

4.  I watched a news report on N-TV.....Mayor of Palma, hyped up an agreeing with locals on one key issue....he wants to reform tourism in Mallorca (the isle).

For those who weren't aware of it.....the isle of Mallorca is a 'magnet' (since the 1960s) for Germans to come to, and get 'wild'.  Party-atmosphere....lot of drinking....late into the night throughout the whole summer.  Locals hate this, and there are various problems that have been building up over the past two decades.

The flip side of this....a lot of money came into the economy there, and it's brought jobs.  

What the journalist pointed out with the mayor's talk....if reform comes, it's likely to dissolve a significant amount of the tourism, and you will see a massive drop in guests....meaning the economy will crap-out.

It's an interesting discussion, and one has to wonder what the landscape of Mallorca will be like in twenty years.  

5.  Another interesting piece off N-TV.....affecting one in three Germans....loneliness.  It's now at a level where it's chronic and the medical profession is openly talking about the issue.

From the Covid era?  Yeah, that's the funny part of the story.

Affecting both youth and older folks.

Even I will refer to the era as a cabin-fever period.....where I barely emerged from the house two or three times a week.

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