Friday, May 24, 2024

Toured Rothenburg ob der Tauber Yesterday

 So driving about 2 hours SE of Wiesbaden, into Bavaria....I ended up yesterday at Rothenburg ob der Tauber yesterday.

First, if you've never been's a 1300s-walled city...kept intact to some degree, and I'd describe it as an adult Disneyland tourist 'magnet'.  Don't go on a Saturday/Sunday......just way too many tourists.

Second, there are a couple of interesting museums in the town....where you can easily waste 90 minutes in each.  The two I would recommend?  The Christmas Museum (the whole history of Christmas laid out from a German prospective) is definitely worth going to visit.  The Criminal Museum?  Well....they put a lot of effort into laying out crime and justice over 2,000 years in German history.  The acts of torture, murder, and public humiliation were fairly laid out and makes you ponder a number of things about the trends/changes in German history.

Third, signs of inflation?  Yeah, there's no doubt that the food and beverage costs have gone up 30-percent over the past two or three  years.  Oddly, just driving there....we ended up stopping for fuel and having to use the autobahn toilet  facility.  It used to be 50-cents (Euro) to get access (probably for a decade).  They upped the price....a full Euro to do a number-one or number-two.  

Fourth, if you wanted the full experience of walking on cobblestones....this would be the place to do....the walled-city has kept  every inch of it's cobblestone features.

Fifth, police presence?  No....that was the odd hours walking around and I didn't notice a single cop....or the necessity for them.

Making a trip there?  I'd suggest you drive up on a week-day late....stay overnight in a hotel within the walled-city....get up fresh the next day and spend most of the day getting the experience.  Parking the car?  Well....that's an issue and the city has large parking lots about a km or two outside of the place.  

On rating the place?  I'd say of the 10,000 places in Germany worth a visit....I'd edge it up into the top dozen places to spend a day.....with the two museums I mentioned helping to achieve that. 

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