Monday, October 14, 2024

14 Oct 2024: Three German News Stories

 1.  Top forum show of the week came on last night (Sunday, Caren Miosga Show, ARD).  Key quote?  "We won't let Mrs Wagenknecht lead us around by the nose."  Spoken by CDU candidate for chancellor Friedrich Merz.

Fair amount of chatter about the idea of a coalition partnership with the BSW Party, both nationally and state-wise.

There are a couple of agreeable things, and then there's some short list of things that Wagenknecht may ask for.....that BSW can't get.

2.  Welt article this AM.  Turf war starting up in NW Germany, with Moroccan gangs in competition over drug-trade.

3.  Over the weekend....major mixed-martial arts match in Frankfurt.  This stuff was forbidden just a couple of years draws 59,000 fans at the local stadium.

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