Sunday, October 13, 2024

The Sharia Law Discussion

 There was a protest up in Hamburg yesterday.....Islamic crowd.....maybe in the 2k to 3k range of people gathered, and the main topic was.....'we-want-to-bring-about-Sharia-Law-to-Germany'.

Odds of this happening in Germany?  Pretty much ZERO.

But I'll make five observations:

1.  What you don't want in any society or two divisions of rules/regulations and 'realities'.

In Germany's case, if you ever invented a path to this Sharia Law business....a bunch of Germans would ask....why limit this to two paths?  You'd see various religions start up with the claim that they deserve their own special laws, courts and police.

2.  Let's say someone found a law situation where you could invent Sharia Law here, but 25-percent of Turks and Syrians said 'no-way'.....they didn't want this.  How would you handle this?

3.  How would you handle Christmas and various Christian holidays in Germany?

4.  Would the Russian population in Germany (numbering near 3-million) request a rule that allows a Putin-led situation to be created in Germany?

5.  Would some Syrians stand up and ask the did things get so 'fuc*ed-up' in Afghanistan, Iraq or Iran?  If they eventually came to say Sharia Law contributed to the would you allow this idea  to be openly discussed?  

I will say this critical comment....the more this comes up in public forums.....the more disgruntled society becomes about integration and problems with society.  You are feeding AfD in various ways.

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