Monday, October 7, 2024

8 Oct 2024: Seven German News Stories

 1.  New SPD Party general secretary.....Matthias Miersch replaces Kevin Kühnert.  Kühnert, while generally liked within the party....was under a lot of stress/turmoil.  He was probably doing a public forum show every two weeks, and preparing for these was chaotic.

2.  If you've ever been to Regensuburg, there's a bridge there (Nibelungen Bridge) which goes over the Danube, and is not that wide.  Yesterday....two buses crashed into each other.  Five folks banged up pretty go, and fifty folks listed as 'wounded' in some way.

3.  As the Oktoberfest came up to end on Sunday.....some 16-year old  kid was in one of the fest-tents....consumed six liters of beer in a sitting. Medical folks were rushed in and prevented serious problems in the end.  

4.  Some German plan for peace in Ukraine was 'dumped'.  Idea centered upon dividing Ukraine up,  and allowing a western-most  state to be NATO, while the  other portions would not be.  Both Ukraine and Russia said 'no' to the idea.

5.  The number of asylum applications in Germany, over the first 9 months of the year.....fell by a quarter, compared to previous year.

6.  Because of increasing numbers of attacks within hospitals....medical personnel in Germany are getting defensive-training.

7.  Significant amount of rainfall/wind expected on Tuesday and Wednesday.....Hurricane-level activity. 

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