Monday, October 14, 2024

15 Oct 2024: Six German News Stories

 1.  Germany's BND (their version of the CIA) chief stood up yesterday and said 'Russia will soon be capable of attacking NATO.'

BS?  Well....tank and, there's no potential left for a offensive against NATO or for that matter....Germany.  Missile-wise?  There's still some potential left.  

Army manpower downsized?  That's another matter....Russia has probably given up 200,000 men for the war,  and there's not a unlimited number left.

2.  Trend reported yesterday for is trending less, and less.  Cards and cellphone-charge....more popular.

3.  SPD Party talking about a E-car 'bonus' (for 2025).  Even if you gave a 4,000 Euro deal/bonus....I don't think it'll flip public perception into buying E-cars.  Even for my German could improve the bonus to 8k Euro, and it wouldn't matter.

4.  My wife works, and the company does well (still making a profit in 2024).  The 'boss' went to some political meeting in the past week....getting a financial prospective from them for 2025.  Key note?  For (as a company and employee) need to give 100-percent, because it's going to be a fairly rough year. Probably wasn't the kind of report you wanted to hear.

5.  Commerzbank 'boss' economic recovery signs in the near-future of Germany.

6. Brose in Germany....does the car-parts business.  They say they are cutting around 1,000 jobs shortly.

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