Tuesday, January 7, 2025

7 Jan 2025: Four German News Stories

 1.  New poll out on election business....only real change, Greens bumped up to 13.5 percent (highest point in 12 months), and the AfD Party bumped up to 21.5 percent.  SPD was a loser....dropping to 15.5 percent.  CDU remains in the lead at 31 percent. (INSA numbers).

2.  Explaining the Austria election business?

Look....they had a national election....back around late September. Results?  Five parties got enough to have seats.

Far right (FPO) was the winner (29 percent), with center-right OVP Party in second place (26 percent).  Left-of-center SPO took 3rd place with 21 percent). Massive 'hit' on the Greens....taking 8 percent.  NEOS took 9 percent (center-center politically).

So here's the deal....all five are highly divided and they've been  unable to build a coalition.  The President has given a new mandate to the FPO Party to try building a coalition.....3rd attempt.

A number of German journalists are  eyeballing the situation....saying this chaos might occur in Germany.

3. Berlin police say 1,500 folks have been arrested on bad-boy charges from the New Year's events.

4.  Petition handed in....2-million signatures....to ban fireworks in Germany.  Bundestag will at least discuss the matter....but I  doubt that they will pass much of anything. They might go and make  it a state-matter....where individual states can ban fireworks.

RBB says 363 local Berlin folks were wounded in some fashion from the fireworks business  on New Year's Eve.

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