Thursday, August 26, 2010

One Little Change

Typically, things rarely change in Germany. If you can imagine a country where a hundred guys stand around and discuss things to the ninth degree....then rehash history....then debate over the pluses and minuses....and then adjourn for debate another day of discussion....then this is the place.

This week, the topic of driver's licenses came up in Germany. It was a iron-clad deal in Germany where you did your driver's test, got your license, and it was good forever. There were always folks showing on TV to brag of their original license from 1934 or 1951. They hadn't lost it or had it stolen.

Things appear to be in line for a change this week. The EU got folks into a mindset that licenses needed to be redone every fifteen years or so. There was a need for new technology to be used and security kept up to date. So the new rule would be that you have to renew your license.

The interesting thing here is that the EU also wanted a second change incorporated into the system, a health physical. The Germans balked at that.

I sat and pondered over this. They had concerns over security of the license business but they couldn't dare bring up the complex nature of older folks driving when they shouldn't. Every year, there are dozens of accidents where someone is injured or dead because the elder driver just wasn't up to the task. The cops will write the report, and eventually....if the driver survived....he'll face a judge who recommends the license be taken away.

The political folks could have taken the extra step and simply mandated a eye exam but they didn't want to upset those older folks. They could have mandated a simple ten question test where the 65-year old guy merely needs five right answers to pass. They could have just asked for a mere doctor's note to attest that Huns is ok to drive at 78. But they decided to avoid real debate on this side of the big issue.

So change will likely occur shortly. Just don't anticipate significant change.

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