Monday, August 16, 2010

Your German Taxes

Quietly....ever so was mentioned today that the government is exploring this idea of some tax credits...especially since the economy is "booming". Based on the numbers, Germany is the one nation in Europe that is truly surging ahead and 2011 looks great.

So you'd expect Germans to be all peppy and happy over this hint. But the reality is that they aren't expecting much of anything.

In fact, today....via the Irish's being reported that the amount that the government is thinking about to hand back to the a mere 500 million Euro ($650 million roughly). Yep, they didn't even make it to the one billion range.

The comical part of this great deal? Well...the FDP guys are talking about simplifying the code...which may not mean a penny more in the long run....but it sure sounds good for the camera.

So if you were a middle-class German...maybe you'd get an extra 300 Euro back from what you got last year. It's enough to maybe wallpaper the living room.

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