Tuesday, May 5, 2015

It's Just a Bit Odd

With the Islamic couple from Frankfurt were arrested last week for terrorism planning.....the cops did a thorough review of their apartment.  At this point, they came to a container with 24,000 Euro (roughly $27,000).  Being a Hartz IV couple (on German welfare).....this was a bit puzzling.  The cops bagged the money, and it's currently in the evidence locker.

So far, at least as the newspapers report it....the Turkish-German couple has said virtually nothing and declined any police interviews.

The 24,000 Euro?  Well....if you did cash-only type jobs, which a number of Hartz IV folks will admit to.....you might have some cash around the house, but certainly nothing more than a thousand Euro.  So it kinda begs questions over where the money came from.  Maybe some relatives gave the couple 'monetary gifts' on occasion, and they simply accumulated the money.  Maybe the couple robbed some folks.  Maybe this was hard-earned money and the couple simply didn't believe in banks.

The thing is.....speculation.  Without any cooperation from the couple.....the cops will continue to hold the money and ask relatives, friends and neighbors for some logical explanations over the couple and their wealth.

My guess?  It would be curious to know what jobs either of the two held in the past and if either 'owned' a store-front.  That would help to explain the cash.  Permanent loss of the money?  There are a dozen fake stories that you could provide and basically force the cops to hand the money back.....although each would involve the Finanzamt (the German version of IRS) knowing the story, and some tax paperwork coming up.  Maybe the best story would be some Muslim charity operation felt sorry for them and just donated the cash to them....in hopes that they'd lead productive lives.  Well......it sounds 'positive', if you think about it.

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