Thursday, May 7, 2015


It is spring and one of the things that you tend to notice around Hessen in this period.....are people digging the camper RV out of storage and preparing it for some long-haul vacation trip.

Germans are pretty well split over the experience of RVs.  There are some Germans who would sign up for such an experience.  And there are some who will only do RV trips.....preferring some 'rough' camping experience over a hotel situation.

Once they buy into an RV.....they stay with it.  Some guys have owned their little RV for twenty-odd years.  Some will spend an entire Saturday cleaning out the RV and preparing it for the big trip.

What you tend to notice.....cops have a special interest in the trailers.  The inspection episode for the tag will occur, and they usually pass with no issues.  But once the trip is started.....the vacation planner will toss all kinds of extra weight onto the trailer, and it's way beyond it's authorized weight limit.  That's why you notice cops stopping such trailers on the autobahn and weighing them.  No one says how many such trailers get 'failed' over the weight, but it seems to be a fairly regular routine.

The cause for the weight?  A lot of guys are picky about their beer.....and for this two week camping trip.....they want to bring along a lot of beer.  You can image 500 pounds of beer and the weight on the trailer.  That's long before you toss on the bikes, the clothing, food, etc.

Over the last couple of years, I've come to notice a family driving two pulling the RV and one pulling a trailer with the beer, bikes, etc.  Last year, I saw a car carrier trailer.....where the guy had mounted his over-weight RV to the car carrier trailer, and he was prepared for the cop inspection if it occurred.

So, when you see your German neighbor dragging out his's planning and execution at it's finest.

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