Thursday, November 1, 2018

German Welfare Fraud

Most of the news groups in Germany are posting a big story today over Hartz IV (the German welfare system), concerning fraud.

What RTL news reports (a commercial site) that several mafia groups have figured out the way to bring in foreign EU citizens (mostly from poorer nations) and hook them up for welfare immediately upon arrival.  The amount being gained by the mafia groups?  It's figured to be 50-million Euro per year....slicing off portions of the low welfare income from the folks applying. 

The number of cases being reviewed?  120,000 roughly. 

What'll happen next?  Unknown.  To fix or resolve might have to decline the benefit for non-Germans and draw the attention of the EU....who might pursue a legal case against the German government.  Neither the CDU or SPD have said much in public yet over the reporting.

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