Sunday, November 11, 2018

Macron's EU 'Army'

Over the weekend, if you read through all the chatter, President Macron of France made up this talk of creating an EU army that could take on....well....Russia, China or the US. 

I kinda sat there....amused, that some French guy sat and felt that the US would need to be deemed some 'threat' of France or Europe. 

The historical idea that twice in the past hundred years....we've come to 'save' France?  It's best not to bring up that topic.

So you go and discuss the cost factor.  If you had trouble already funding the NATO standard for would this go?  The EU would have to come up with an additional twenty-odd billion a year from across the 28 start talking about some major military force to replace the NATO situation today (with the US 'out').  Where would the money come from?  Unknown.

Since the UK is figured out....could they end up as an enemy of France or the EU as well?  That has folks sitting in pubs and mostly laughing as you suggest this idea. 

So it was idle chatter?  Yes.  It was something to get people perked up and for twelve worked. 

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