Wednesday, April 10, 2024

10 Apr 2024: Three German News Stories

 1.  Interior Minister Faeser gave a strong interview to say increasing crime will involve the forced removal of some migrants.

What's factual?  There are more thefts, and more violent crimes....highest level since 2016.   Numbers say that a high proportion of suspects are here without a German passport. 

Quote: “Anyone who doesn’t follow the rules has to leave.”

I will say from the evening news....this was hyped-up a good bit.

2.  Apparently (by German gov't studies)...around three million people in Germany live offline (they've never hooked up).  Between the ages of 16 and 74. Yep, 5-percent of German society.

I would imagine some folks are proud of their lack of use....others will say it's just a 'fad'.

3.  ZDF (Channel 2, public TV) ran a documentary piece...Candidate: Trump.  I'll just say they try to explain why such an event is underway, but leaving out. candidate Biden.  Maybe that comes later.  


Daz said...

"WELT says a study by a group of researchers"

Got a link for the article?

Schnitzel_Republic said...

Went back looking, would be from 9th...Focus search engine is marginal. Can't locate the link.