Thursday, April 4, 2024

Next State Election In Germany: Saxony

 1 Sep 2024.

Expectations?  Well....polling from the past month suggests that the AfD Party will get in the  range of 34-percent, with the CDU Party coming in 2nd place at 30-percent.

Newcomers.....BSW Party....may shock a few with an expected 12-percent.

Beyond that?  SPD, Linke Party and Greens?  They will be lucky to get anything beyond 6-percent.  Yeah, this is a worrisome problem for both the SPD and Greens....selling folks on a national trend.

Will anyone partner in a AfD coalition? you end up in a weird situation where a month will pass, and the AfD can't form a coalition.  So the CDU is given a chance, and they'd have to form with the BSW, Greens and get a 50-percent situation.  

This making the CDU into a hard-sell for future elections? could make that case.  

The other odd scenario?  Well....numbers-wise...BSW has the time to cut into both the Greens and SPD.  So you might end up with BSW having near 20-percent, and the Linke, SPD and Greens knocked out of the race (failing to get 5-percent minimum to earn seats).  In this scenario, it's really a crappy position for the Greens and SPD.

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