Thursday, April 25, 2024

25 April 2024: Five German News Stories

 1.  Focus article, Wolfram Weimer gave an interview...says that insiders to the German Green Party are quietly preparing for an early national election (was set to Fall of 2025).  This disagreement between the FDP Party (coalition member) is the driving force.  

Personally, I can't see the big 'fall' occurring prior to summer vacation...would likely occur early August/September where a collapse might occur.  But you have to figure 3 state elections set for Sep/Oct already in 2024.

2.  Odd school story out of Ludwigshafen...involving a first-grade group.  Teachers and staff have decided in this one school...out of 147 kids....they will 'repeat' with 44 kids the entire year over.  Reason?  These kids don't speak German well enough to pass onto the second grade.

3.  Sahra Wagenknecht of the BWS Party (the new folks).....says maybe there should be a 'new' vote in the Bundestag over the idea of forbidding gas/diesel new car sales in 2035 in Germany.

Making this an election topic?  Yeah, I would imagine that.

Attitude by Germans?  No one has really polled people to say how the national trend on the topic is going.

This was a position staked out by Chancellor Merkel, and simply pushed.  One interesting trend appears that new registrations of E-cars has peaked, and it's getting harder to sell E-cars of any type.

If you asked me....from working-class Germans...fewer than one-third are hyped-up or enthusiastic about E-cars.  I could even envision 2075 coming around and half the cars in the nation are used gas/diesel cars from the 2020s.  

4.  WELT piece, study done by the Friedrich Naumann Foundation....says that at the local levels of government...increasing number of Germans feel disconnected, and that politicians at the city level....aren't listening to the public.  

5.  N-TV did a piece talking over the German Army deployment (permanent basis) into Lithuania.  Brigade size.  Cost?  11-billion Euro to build a operational base and quarter 5,000 German soldiers and their families.

Lot of money, and it probably shocks the coalition.  Even if they spread it out over five'll be a problem.  

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