Thursday, January 25, 2018

Stabbing Story

I sometimes essay over German culture and society, touching on issues which are becoming more evident.

Focus brought up this weird episode from Lunen, Germany from last week....a stabbing within a school.

The basic story here is that a dual nationality 15-year old kid (not from the Middle East or north Africa) into an aggressive situation and killed a 14-year old kid. 

Cops and authorities have been investigating the act.  They have the 15-year old kid in custody, and some things about the kid are begging more questions.

This 15-year old?  Well....he's apparently known by the police.  That when said that way.....typically means that they've got a record on the kid and he's been in police trouble before.  The comments?  He is absolutely considered aggressive, and noted with the comment 'unguarded'.  What's this 'unguarded' mean? typically means that he's been noted as a threat to teachers or other school kids before.

Typically, this is where the school calls up the parents and usually says that a meeting must be held....that your kid is not controllable.  These are the kids who simply won't take orders or accept consequences.

When some German throws around the term "unbeschulbar" means you can't ground them or get them to focus on doing anything.  The kid, more or a loser.  That's the term used in this kid's description.

The German school system is absolutely compelled to accept kids up to sixteen and provide an education.  The law is on the books, and there is no choice.

But what's happened over the last decade as more kids reach the uncontrolled state of that the school will suggest to expel the kid and close the learning process on the kid.  Around the Koln area for 2017....numbers were given for kids expelled....534 students dismissed.  The general choice then is to convince another public school to accept the kid, or to get him/her into a private school.

Murder charges for this kid?  No.  He'll get counseling and be put into some type of facility until age 18.....then likely released.  If some judge believes that he is uncontrollable, and evidence is's possible that they've move him to a permanent facility and say he's got mental issues and can't be trusted. 

All of this leads one to wonder about the state of juvenile behavior in Germany.  You cant really blame this on migration, or radical Islam (he didn't fit into either those).  Most of these kids in this category are simply kids who got behind.....lost interest....and don't see any positive need to attend school.  In their case, you might as well send them onto some burger-flipper job, and hope for the best. 

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