Wednesday, May 6, 2020

Cleaning up the Corona 'Mess'

Economically....especially around the middle-class, working-class, and welfare crowd of Germany....there's a fair amount of suffering and woes. 

I'm the outsider and can observe the pain going on.  In my wife's case (the German)....she was deemed absolutely 'essential'.  The products that her company produced were in great demand.  You can find millions of others who weren't in that category.

My suggestion of resolving things now?

1.  For anyone who was on short-work (60-percent of their pay)....the government needs to 'gift' this group around 2,500 (for each single German that had a full-time job).  If you were a part-time guy (450-Euro)?  Gift them around 1,000 Euro, tax-free. 

2.  For the retirees and welfare class who are in the bottom of the economic spiral?  One single check (again, tax-free) for each person for about 1,500 Euro.

3.  Business owners?  A three-year drop of the VAT for restaurant, hotel and bar owners.  Hotel/Food VAT is normally 7-percent.   I'd suggest to drop it to two-percent for the next three years.  Let the company keep the 5-percent. 

4.  Finally, issue out a 250 Euro spend-it voucher (a debit card), and be blunt about got thirty days to spend it or lose it.

You need to turbo-charge the economy to push it beyond the recession.  Waiting....isn't enough. 

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