Tuesday, August 8, 2023

Four German News Stories

 1.  I noticed a science/technology development.  German team in Mannheim has developed a fuel cell that takes your urine, and converts it to power.  From a day's worth....enough to charge up a cellphone.  Won't be a big seller but might lead onto something else.

2.  WELT piece: Every 4th trainee/apprentice.....screws up enough to loose his/her contract with the company.  Various things to blame, but is a heavy indicator of money lost.

3.  German Health Ministry is 'promising' a big anti-Cannabis campaign by the end of the year, while they approve the use of Cannabis.  

4.  Yesterday, cops had to clear a train station in Syke (Lower Saxony).  Cause?  Some nutcase walking around in a loud voice.....saying he was going to kill people. 

This started out on a train between stations (near Bremen), and some passenger ended up calling the police....citing the guy talking about the Koran and a bomb.

Train pulls into this small station, with four cops came to greet the guy, and drag him off.  What'll happen?  Probably a mental eval, and a judgement that he was either on drugs, or he's mentally unstable.  

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