Sunday, November 5, 2023

Four German News Stories

 1.  Gil Ofarim court case opened last week.  

For reference....Gil Ofarim is one of the top forty pop-singers in Germany, and Jewish.  

Back in October 2021, he supposedly went to a Leipzig hotel (upscale place) and over a few short minutes....a antisemetic episode occurred at the front-desk, where his Star of David necklace was obvious, and the clerk supposedly gave some lecture about being careful in Leipzig.

Ofarim went to Instagram and noted the experience/hotel.  

Well...a fair amount of evidence exists that the Star of David comment was never uttered.  (5 witnesses near enough to hear the conversation)

So the hotel has taken this to court.  Ofarim has yet to back down. 

What'll happen if Ofarim loses the case?  He has drawn a fair amount of negative attention and it might be a costly situation.  

2.  Pakistan has started a deportation situation with around 1.5-million Afghans.  There's some public chatter that some of those should be routed to Germany.

3.  Hamburg's airport is presently shut-down.....some guy broke through a gate with a 4-year old kid.....making threats.  

4.  Kremlin spokesperson  got around to the rumor of copies of Putin (crisis-actors), and say 'we have just one Putin'.  

It's a comical suggestion but you can often see a puffed-up face of Putin,  and a week later at some ceremony....note the puffy face is gone.

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