Monday, November 6, 2023

From The Weekend

 Over the weekend, there was a fair amount of anti-Israel chatter out of Essen, with some onscreen hype by people for a caliphate (Islamic rules upon Islamic people within a society).

Well...a police commission has gone to the videos of the action, and are said to be 'evaluating' commentary and speech given. 

Identifying people and having them in front of a judge?  Probably could occur but it would require a lot of physical action upon the police.  

The caliphate business?  I don't think anyone within the Bundestag will converse on the's a plain no-go, and if this was in some forum'd just draw the public to harsh commentary.  

These Essen folks having to explain inciting the public around them?  Yeah, there could be actual charges drawn up and lawyers involved. 

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