Wednesday, November 15, 2023

Two Curious Updates

 1.  The German Constitutional Court came out on the Covid fund bucket issue....where money was left over in 2021 (wasn't spent on Covid), and the SPD coalition decided to spend it on climate change.

Well...the court said can't take money like this and spend it on something else.

Amount under discussion?  60-billion Euro (big chunk of money).

2.  Yesterday in Gummersbach....a guy went nuts on the street, waving a knife around.  Cops were on the scene, and gave the guy a warning (actual video of the scene).  

The warning apparently didn't work, and the police fired a round or two....wounding him and putting him on the ground.

Nationality?  German-Moroccan.  Just by words spoken by the police....they knew the guy (he had some kind of record).

How'd he get into trouble?  Shop-lifting....cops were called to detain/hold him.

Other people hit by a round?  Well....yeah, there's some innocent shopper who got wounded in the leg apparently.

UPDATE: What the knife guy had attempted to steal?  Several beer cans.  Yeah, waving a knife around to get an escape, over a couple of beer cans.  His condition presently?  On a ventilator, and it doesn't look that good.

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