Monday, March 18, 2019

Diesel Update

There's an interesting story over at N-TV (commercial German news) today, which talks to the diesel car crisis, and this 'box' that you can possibly make the exhaust issue 'clean'.

ADAC (the German Automobile Association) went and test the devices being discussed.  So the result?

Well....the older diesel cars that had the hardware added....absolutely did produce significantly less  nitrogen oxides.

However, as the temperature went down (fall and winter)....the system was less capable in bringing the nitrogen oxides to a lesser 'state'.

In simple winter months, the retrofit did virtually no good.  It was a good idea for six months out of the year.

Where this leads people?  I suspect, if you questioned VW and the car companies....they would all admit five to ten years ago, they tested this idea, and found the same results. 

The odds of the retrofit idea ever selling in public now?  I would suggest we are back down to zero-chance. 

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