Monday, March 4, 2019

The Pee Story

So I'll state this 'fact' before I get into the political-pee story.

German guys will comment at length about the commentary that they receive from their wives or girlfriends....over the need to sit at the toilet (to pee), rather than stand (to pee).  This is to prevent 'mis-aiming' and sanitation issues.  It does come up in American society, but German guys will openly discuss this (maybe more....perhaps making this more dramatic, than American guys would).

So, over the weekend, the new CDU Party chief....Annegret Kramp-Karrenbauer (destined to replace Chancellor Merkel as she retires) stood up and gave a carnival speech.

For those who've never seen or attended a carnival's 10 to 15 minute speech with fifty-odd sarcastic, cynical, and humor-filled lines.  It can be poetic in can be non-poetic.  It can be slightly insulting, to full-scale 100-percent insulting.

Typically, if you go through all of the political parties....NO political figure stands up and delivers a carnival speech.  My explanation is that most don't have a sense of humor, or that they lack the skills to deliver such a speech.

In Kramp-Karrenbauer's case?  Well....this got interesting.  She apparently does have the skills, and the humor.  Her commentary for this humor-filled moment touched on intersex people. 

Now in Germany, this hasn't become some five-star topic like it has in the US.  In fact, I would suggest that 50-percent of the over-forty age group.....haven't really gotten into the discussion, and if you brought up intersex stuff....this public crowd would ask if it's like the bondage stuff they practice, or dressing up in kinky outfits like they do on Thursday nights.  (hint: they've been on the edge of perverse sex for years, so it isn't much of a shocker discussion for them)

Kramp-Karrenbauer's joke here?  More or less....the toilets made for intersex people....are there mostly ".....for the men who do not know yet, whether they can still stand while peeing or sit.  In between - is this toilet. "  It was a slam on men, who haven't made up their mind who whine about the push to sit, and not really a slam on intersex people. 

So this has set off 'alarms' with the pro-intersex people, and a number of politicians (opposition groups to the CDU). 

You have two elements at work here, if you haven't figured out.  First, whether you can allow politicians or leaders to have a sense of humor.  Most German political folks will say 'no'.  The second element is the driving force of carnival parties....these tens of thousands of jokes laid out in each season.....which slam thousands of sacred people, traditions, cultures, and sexual practices. If you make up a list of sacred things which cannot be discussed in some carnival speech.....then why bother with the whole practice of carnival?  Just end it and serve everyone a beer or two. 

This week?  It'll probably get around to two or three public forums where German llectuals openly discuss humor, intersex people, what toilets are for, if men should stand during a pee, and the degree of public frustration that you need to dedicate time to such forums. 

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