Saturday, May 2, 2020

Germany and the Coronavirus: 2 May 2020

As you might notice, I'm not doing this segment daily, because the whole 'circus-affair' has dropped a great deal in significance.  In fact, if you go to review nightly public TV segments.....they seem to now talk a great deal about the 'doomed' economy, and the spiraling GDP.  The virus experts no longer appear as frequent as they did in mid-March.

1.  Deaths: 6,601    Infected:  161,972 (Focus numbers). Bavaria leads with 1,886 deaths of the sixteen German states.  Bremen (the state) has 30 deaths, at the very end of the statistical numbers.

2.  A Stanford study came out via N-TV, and has made the German rounds....these doctors are suggesting that the virus is no more significant than the flu.  The problem with the study?  They used people mostly from California (central region).  It might have been more interesting had this involved NY City, or Milano, Italy.  Unknown effect.

3.  Major effort yesterday in a Berlin-area, to halt a demonstration (Mayday, leftist group).  Mostly failed, but it got a lot of pro-visus/anti-demonstration chatter going.  Focus did a good report on this.

4.  Focus reports that a fair amount of legal actions are going on....using the court system to challenge both Merkel and the leadership authority of the coalition.  Judges now having to review legal codes and see if bans are legal?  Yes, and this might turn kinda interesting.

5.  If you look over a map to find the Maldives, it's about 600 km south of India, and it's one of those big destinations for hearty and well-to-do Germans for vacations.  For about six weeks now, there's not been any flights down, and there's around a thousand total tourists (most are German) who are STUCK on the island.  No exit, no entry.  They aren't exacting crazy about this, but their hotel costs have been picked up by the national tourist office there and they will quietly sit there and wait for flights to start back up. 

6.  Beaches opening in Germany?  Right now, Lower Saxony is starting a planned opening.  Don't get excited.....yet.  The rule will be one family unit or couple for each 25 square meters (roughly the size of a living room).  Social beach distancing, I guess you could call it.  My guess is that in two weeks, virtually all beaches in Germany will be open (with rules/bans). 

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