Monday, May 18, 2020

Wind Generator Law

For a number of months, there's been this internal debate within the German federal government about distance between a windmill turbine generator, and villages.

Today, the agreement was ironed out, and it'll be a standard law that each new turbine must be a minimum of 1,000 meters from village or city buildings.

Adding to the wording that a German state can make this more (suggesting 1,200 or even 1,500 meters could be the state rule).

A big deal?  Back in the one said much.  

Lately?  In a village of a thousand residents.....I would take a guess that locally, you have a quarter of the population that is bummed-out over nearby generators and swear that they, or their cat or dog is severely harmed by the turbulence.  Some of this might be mental, but there just hasn't been enough studies to suggest that generators are causing mental or emotional issues.  


Daz said...

Actually there's been plenty of studies, all pretty much saying it's psychosomatic.

Schnitzel_Republic said...

I've always observed cattle and horses around the generators, and they don't seem to have any issues. For dogs and cats....I'm more of the mind that the generators are lightning rods and attract 'blasts', and that probably does frighten them more than normal activity. I might agree that there shouldn't be anything built within a half-a-kilometer. Some folks were pressing for a 2-km distance.