Saturday, October 28, 2023

Five German News Stories

1.  Good piece off ARD's Tagesschau.....talking over how the Bundestag will work when you potentially have nine political parties existing.  'Fragmentation' is a key word,  It will become more difficult over the next couple of years to form a coalition gov't.  

2.  Lot of positive hype being manufactured for the coalition gov't of Scholz (SPD-Greens-FDP) over the deportation 'tough-stand'....suggesting more failed applicants will be forced out (I would suggest nearly half of the public don't believe this statement).  Some might even go to say the 'hype' is more propaganda....than anything else.

The action at this point?  It buys them six to twelve months before the public wakes up and says 'no, you did nothing with this BS'.  

3.  It is rather odd....the attack from 20 Feb Hanau (the guy is dead from suicide)....has still not really shut down from investigations.  

To note, eleven were killed and seven wounded, in this far-right agenda by the one single German guy.  

The newest attempt at a new investigation?  In the case of one bar/pub, the back-door was locked.  There's some strong wording to suggest that in weeks/months prior....the police came and told the owner to keep the door (emergency door) locked.   The city prosecutor has said 'no' this week, to opening another investigation over this complaint.  

Typically, for any German have to maintain a rear door for emergency exit in a fire.  The question in this case....did the owner put a lock on the door, or did the police order a lock on the door?

4.  Raids were conducted in Germany yesterday over far-right extremist music.  Yeah, not political stuff....just music.  From the interpretation is that it's some type of rap-music.  Hate speech situation?  Yeah.  

5.  Fairly strong commentary against Fridays for the Future for taking a position in support of Hamas, and against Israel...on the late night Friday ARD Tagesschau news.  

I'll just say that the juvenile group are coupling themselves in some ways to be an 'arm' of the Green Party in the future.  With the topic of Hamas added to their 'inventory'....I would suspect over the next year that you see at least one or two additional topics, and they broaden themselves to be a multi-agenda youth group. 

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