Wednesday, April 3, 2024

3 April 2024: Ten German News Stories

 1.  German cops in Darmstadt had what they call “Car Friday”....meaning they stopped x-number and reviewed for 'defects'.

So on this day...ONE single car was pulled of 39 defects in the car.  Twenty-eight were bad enough (on each one) to have seized the car.  Yes, Frame/suspension parts were missing/bent. Lights didn't  work, and the exhaust muffler was gone.  Insurance?  None existed for the past 4 years.  

Mid-40s driver....I would assume that he's going to get a hefty fine.

2.  Cannabis is now to some extent...existing in Germany.  You have to join a 'club', and show an ID.  One club per city....per 10,000 residents.  Shocker for me?  Over across the river in shop there will take orders from their 'members' and deliver to the front-door of the house....all legal.  

3.  Focus had a piece discussing 'burn-out' of mid-20s Germans (Gen-Z folks).  From their doesn't take much to burn-out some 25-year old German.

4.  Green Party chatter....for 2025 election, some within the party say that Robert Habeck should be their party 'choice' for Chancellor.

5.  Siegfried Russwurm, the President of the Federation of German Industries (BDI), did an interview with Focus....speaking harsh criticism of Chancellor Scholz (SPD) and how he has handled the current economic crisis. A quote? "It was a lost two years."

I would generally agree with the statement, but also lay it out to the other two parties (Greens and FDP) that they had just as much to contribute to the crisis as Scholz or the SPD, and you have Covid as a general trigger to get us so deep into a 'rut'.

6.  Nike (US industry) will outfit the German national team 'suits'.....starting in 2027.  Adidas (German industry) will lose the contract.  Nike paid more in the bid-process.

It's not a big deal (my humble opinion), but it's  openly discussed by soccer fans and a sign of a inability to compete on contracts.

7.  VW Golf, in the past week, turned 50 years old....since they released the model type.

On the few occasions that I've driven early models of the Golf....I'd just say it was pretty basic and you got the low-cost feeling.  The only one I owned (it was already around 15 years old)....was a brief 9-month situation....where problems were a once a month situation....with a rusting fuel tank.  

8.  FORSA, the polling organization, says that presently....neither the Linke Party or the FDP, would have seats in the Bundestag if elections are held today.  

9.  Botswana's president gave a talk yesterday....criticizing the German government a good bit, then dumped on the Green Party function within the federal government....say the dispute between Botswana and German over the ban on hunting trophies is stupid. 

Quote: “If you like elephants so much, please accept 20,000 of them."

I sat and pondered over the quote.  First, there would be some long drawn out argument among Germans about where you would put 20,000 elephants....probably with the Bavaria saying an absolute NO.

Eventually, Thuringia (the state) would agree, but would ask for a 'bribe' of half-a-billion a year.

Some guy would eventually come up with a tour-package for this massive German-created safari camp and 10,000 Germans a week would pay excessive amounts of money to camp out among the elephants.  

9.  RBB (German public TV for Berlin)....had a piece where research has been done to show among Germans....two-percent of folks have a IQ of 130 or more. 

What the research generally bosses misunderstand the objective of the high IQ that they aren't trying to take over the company or gain leadership....these people simply see better and more effective ways of production an development.  

10.  For Berlin, this past March was the most mild March since they started collecting actual data (RBB news).

I'd generally say for the Rhein Valley region, from early December's been a awful mild winter, with November being the exact opposite (all that snowfall and arctic conditions).

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