Sunday, February 11, 2024

12 Feb 2024: Six German News Stories

1.  Focus went into a deep discussion over a gang 'war' developing in Stuttgart. Worth a read (here). 

The basic story?  Two gangs in this war....mostly of non-Germans....ages 19 to 26....roughly 550 members between the two.

Police are concerned over where this is going.  As they point out....a lot of this has to deal with macho-behavior and 'honor' within the gangs.

I suspect if you really dug down into Hamburg, Frankfurt or'd find the same trend developing. 

2.  This repeat-election in Berlin from yesterday (2021's screwed-up situation)?  The winner?  Both the SPD and Green Parties appear to have around 22-percent (each), with  the CDU Party coming up next with 17-percent, and the Linke Party following with 11.5-percent.  AfD is resting at 9.4-percent.

How this relates to the 2021 numbers?  Both the CDU and AfD picked up around 1-percent each....while the SPD lost 1-percent (roughly).

The only thing that is interesting is the turn-out.  Back in 2021...57-percent of registered voters came out (not a great situation).  For this election....40.2-percent of registered voters showed up....which is even worse.

3.  Tesla car production (Grünheide) will re-start today....after being down for a couple of weeks because of supply-chain problems.

4.  WELT piece this AM.....Sociologist Aladin El-Mafaalani has studied an odd effect on German society....discovering that Germans are 'disturbed' over political  promises and what they see as "actual effects" when you talk about immigration/migration.  

I don't think  it's  solely a German thing.....worldwide skepticism exists to a great degree....where for years the news media has carried a message, and the public isn't buying the message/brand any longer.

5.   Finland election for President wrapped up.  Center-right guy wins over Green Party....3-point difference.

6.  France's PM is calling for a age-limit for social media....meaning?  Discussion is that if you were between  13 and could only get access to social media in France if you had the parent's permission.  Below 13?  Zero social media.

How this would work with Tik Tok, FB, or Instagram?  No idea. 

If one parent gave permission and the other said 'no'?  That might make for an interesting event. If the parents said yes to FB/Meta, but no to the rest?  

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